New Mexico License Plates Forms

In reality, we are all required to fill out loads of paperwork to receive a license. In certain situations, it may appear to be a challenging process, and you may find it extremely difficult to locate all of the essential forms. So, to ease your life we’ve enlisted all the forms connected to the New Mexico License Plates below.

Identification Card and Driver's License Forms

To get an identification card or fill in the documents for a driver’s license, you may need the below-mentioned forms to download and print out.
So, to surrender your Driver’s license you need to fill in the MVD10231 form.
The Medical report form for obtaining a license is the MVD10124.
Residents under 18 who need an Affidavit of New Mexico Residency should fill in the MVD10021.
If you need to have a hearing, fill out the Request for Hearing Form | MVD10792.
What concerns Driver License Reinstatement Affidavit fill in the MVD10236 form.

Other helpful forms are:

The certificate of Facts Form is MVD10077.
If you need the certification of Employment, Self-employment, or School Attendance fill in the MVD10459.
For Driver License Restoration Packet you should fill in MVD10233.
Driver Point System Regulations and Schedule documents are a subject of the MVD11011 form.
To get the Driving School Record of Completion (Form & Instructions) fill in the MVD10273 form.
Check also:
Medical – Request for Ophthalmologic or Optometric Information Form MVD10125.
Gender Designation Change Request MVD10237

Motor Vehicle Records

If you need to get access to motor vehicle records download, fill in, and sign Confidential Records Release Form MVD11260.

Ignition Interlock

To get Ignition Interlockforms to check the list below:
Ignition Interlock License Affidavit Form MVD10456
Review of 10-Year Revocation Interlock Compliance Form MVD10454
State of Indigency (Form & Instructions) MVD10813


Vehicle Title and Registration Forms

To title and register your vehicle you should fill in the Vehicle Title and Registration Application (Form & Instructions) that is MVD10002.
If you need the title duplicate, check the Duplicate Certificate of Title Application Form & Instructions MVD10901.
For Financial Responsibility Request for Hearing complete the MVD11269 form.
N.C.I.C. Certificate of Clearance Form is MVD10468.
For Non-Use of Vehicle/Out of State Vehicle Insurance Affidavit complete MVD11268 form.

Procedures for Mechanics, Landlords, Storage, or Abandoned Vehicles

To provide the Vehicle Lien Process Form complete the MVD11070 form.
For VIN, complete the VIN – Request for Vehicle or Hull Identification Number Verification Form that is MVD10705.

Other Vehicle Registration and Title Forms

To get Vehicle Equipment Affirmation complete the MVD10053 form.
To prove the ownership, complete the Affirmation Certifying Ownership Form | MVD10010.
New Mexico MVD Online Certificate Of Eligibility for Parking Placard for Mobility Impaired Individuals Form is the form MVD10383.
To change your address in New Mexico, complete the New Mexico MVD Online Change of Address Request Form | MVD10284.
To change the Equity certification complete MVD10044.
For Title, Registration, or Cab Car complete Non-receipt Affidavit Form MVD10022.
For Notice of Mechanic’s or Landowner’s Lien Form complete the MVD10058.
What concerns affidavits:
Affidavit of Correction Form MVD10019.
Affidavit of the same Name Form MVD10008.
Repossession Affidavit Form MVD10012.
Affidavit of One and the Same Name Form MVD10008.
To get the Odometer Disclosure Statement complete the MVD10187 form.
Lien release requires filling in the Release of Lien Form MVD10041.

Special Vehicle License Plates

To get a specialized vehicle license plate you should complete the New Mexico MVD Online Application for Personalized Prestige/ Vanity Plate MVD10199.
Below you can find the forms for each type of plate:
Application for Collegiate Plate (For all NM colleges) MVD11322
Application for Mobility Limitation (HP) Plate MVD10270.

Vintage or History License Plates

Affidavit for Year-Of-Manufacture Plate (Auto or Motorcycle) MVD11317.
Horseless Carriage Certification & Plate (Auto or Motorcycle) MVD10056.

Military License Plates in New Mexico

Application for Active Duty Military Service Member Plate MVD11267.
Application for Gold Star Family Plate MVD10100.
Application for Military Service Member Plate (Veterans, Disabled Veterans, Medal of Honor, Purple Heart, Ex-Prisoner of War, Veteran Motorcycle, Disabled Veteran Motorcycle) MVD10353.
To get the National Guard Plate just fill in the MVD10247 application form.
To get Boy Scouts of America Centennial Platel just fill in the MVD10103 application form.

Personalized License Plates

Application for Amateur Radio Operator Plate - MVD10200.
Application for Breast Cancer Awareness Plate - MVD11244.
Application for Children’s Trust Fund Plate - MVD11195.
Application for City of Las Cruces Plate - MVD10099.
Application for Cumbres & Toltec Railway plate - MVD11309.
Application for Organ Donation Awareness Plate - MVD10666.
Application for Patriot Plate - MVD11300.
Application for Pet Care – Spay/ Neuter Plate - MVD11249.
Application for Route 66 Commemorative Plate - MVD11259.
Application for Wildlife Artwork Plate - MVD10092.
Application for Emergency Medical Technicians Plate - MVD11248.
Application for Firefighters, Volunteer Firefighters or Retired Firefighters Plate | MVD11316.
Application for Fraternal Order of Police Plate - MVD11303.

Salvage Vehicles Forms

To apply for a Non-repairable Certificate fill in the Application for Non-repairable Certificate Form - MVD10005.
Salvage Vehicle or Vessel Notification Form - MVD11103.
Notice of Owner Retained Vehicle Form - MVD10651.

Boat/ Vessel Forms

To title and register your vessel, you should submit an Application for Vessel Title and Registration MVD10003 form.
If you need to submit that you’ve got the vehicle as a donation or a gift, you should complete an Affidavit of Gift of Motor Vehicle or Boat - MVD10018.
Change Of Equity Certification Form - MVD10044.
Affidavit of Non-receipt - MVD10022.
To request Vehicle Or Hull Identification Number Verification fill in the MVD10705 Form.
Salvage Vehicle or Vessel Notification Form - MVD11103.

Commercial Driver Forms

To obtain a CDL in New Mexico you should apply to a local MVD. First of all, you should fill in the Driver Certification for Issuance of a Commercial Driver’s Permit or License MVD11222 form.
To carry hazardous goods, complete the Application for a Hazardous Materials Endorsement.
If you no longer use your driver’s license complete the Driver License Surrender Form MVD10231.
To request a hearing, complete the Request for Hearing Form MVD10792.
Vehicle Certification Form - MVD10414.

Commercial Vehicle Forms

To renew your IFTA license, complete the Application for IFTA License Renewal MVD11213.
To surrender your CDL, complete the Driver License Surrender Form MVD10231.


IFTA Quarterly Tax Return Instructions - MVD11262.
IFTA Quarterly Tax Return Form - MVD11263.
The IFTA States Fuel Computation Worksheet - MVD11264.
New Mexico IFTA Decal Request Form - MVD11212.

Other relevant forms;

New Mexico Apportioned Registration Application (Schedules A & B) - MVD11026.
Weight Distance Tax Return – Long Form (Form & Instructions) - MVD10964.

Forms for Auto Dealers, Dismantlers/Recyclers, and Title Service Companies

For applicants

Applicant Affidavit Form - MVD10037
Applicant Information Form - MVD10036.

For licensees

Inspection Certification of Dealer or Dismantler Place of Business Form - MVD10178.
Place Of Business Affidavit Form - MVD10038.
Vehicle Dealer or Dismantler Bond Form - MVD10175.